Catch a wave for World AIDS Day

As we celebrate, commemorate and continue to raise awareness on World AIDS Day, there is much loss to be mourned and much hope to be thankful for. To all people who have supported, loved, partnered, befriended, walked alongside and encouraged HIV positive people – thank you! To all people who have worked tirelessly in research and activism to lessen the devastating impact of HIV on the gay community – thank you! To gay surfers who create community with each other, surf together and plan future events together – thank you! We are part of a hopeful and supportive future.

Preface to “Leaves of Grass”
by Walt Whitman

This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals,
despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy,
devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God,
have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat
to nothing known or unknown, or to any man or number of men—go freely
with powerful uneducated persons, and with the young, and with the mothers of families—
re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book,
and dismiss whatever insults your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem,
and have the richest fluency, not only in its words, but in the silent lines
of its lips and face, and between the lashes of your eyes, and in every motion and joint
of your body. The poet shall not spend his time in unneeded work.
He shall know that the ground is already plow’d and manured; others may not know it,
but he shall. He shall go directly to the creation.
His trust shall master the trust of everything he touches—and shall master all attachment.

Catch a wave for World AIDS Day.

Story by David Wakefield for posted December 1st, 2011.

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